Annuaire des sociétés adhérentes de Minalogic, intervenant sur le sujet large de la sûreté – sécurité.
Document établie en 2021.
Economic security
Security and risk management
- GSCOP – Grenoble INP – UGA
Economic and industrial intelligence
- Apro Base International
Asset security
- Amiral Technologies
Health security: Remote work/telework and remote medicine/telemedicine
(improvements to working and remote working conditions, data security, crisis management, etc.)
- Pharmanity
National security and safety – risk and crisis management – civil security
Military and other materials and equipment for the protection and safety of critical and essential service providers
- S2P-Smart Plastic Products
Personnel management and risk awareness
- SBT Human(s) Matter
Cybersecurity – digital security
Deep web and dark web
Audit and risk analysis
- Plateforme technologique Esynov
Software, application, electronic transaction, and cloud security
- CyberSecura
- SCPTime
Data protection, identity protection, GDPR
- Beautifool Planet
IoT device security
- 3D-oxides
- CEA-Leti
- Laboratoire Hubert Curien – UMR CNRS 5516
- Parcoor
- STMicroelectronics
- TIMA (Techniques de l’Informatique et de la Microélectronique pour l’Architecture des systèmes intégrés)
- VERIMAG – Grenoble INP – UGA
Information systems security : infrastructures, networks, and communications
- Automatique & Industrie – AI FRANCE
- ECE Paris Lyon – Ecole d’ingénieurs
- École d’Ingénieurs en Chimie et Sciences du Numérique CPE Lyon
- Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes (Grenoble, Lyon)
- Institut de Recherche Technologique SystemX
- LIG – Grenoble INP – UGA
- SERMA Group
- Orange Cyberdefense
- Virtual Open Systems
Identification, biometrics, identity and access management (IAM), security orchestratioN, automation and response (SOAR), information security operations center (ISOC), endpoint detection and response (EDR)
- Atos Digital Security
- id3 Technologies
- Isorg
- LCIS – Grenoble INP – UGA
Videoprotection – surveillance
Hypervision, supervision
- Pyxalis
Drones, robots, remote monitoring tools
- Cortus
- EMG2
- Gipsa-lab – Grenoble INP – UGA
- Hyperion Seven
- Neovision
- Teledyne e2v